PO Box 75, Highgate SA

You do not need a written referral to see us. You can contact us directly to discuss or make an appointment.

If you are planning on using a chronic disease management plan (CDMP), please bring a copy of your completed CDMP with you to your appointment.

Speech pathologists understand how people use speech, language and voice to communicate, and are trained to assess and provide interventions that support people with communication disorders. Speech pathologists are also highly trained in the assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders (as swallowing uses many of the same muscles and structures as speech).

A qualified speech pathologist must successfully complete a four-year undergraduate Bachelor degree (or 2 years Masters degree for those who already have an undergraduate degree), including clinical placements. A Certified Practising Speech Pathologist is a speech pathologist who has demonstrated to Speech Pathology Australia on an annual basis that they are maintaining their clinical skills by regular professional development and involvement in a number of clinical areas such as research, evidence based practice, supervision and mentoring.

• Your completed New Client Information form (this will be sent to you prior to initial appointment)
• Any relevant medical reports e.g. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist reports
• Chronic Disease Management Plan from your GP, if you are claiming a Medicare rebate
• Credit card or cash to pay the full fee (required on the day)

Your first appointment will be an initial assessment, where we gather background information about you and your specific concerns, establish your goals, and complete a baseline assessment of your current skills.

A one hour (initial) consultation is usually sufficient for the assessment of speech or swallowing issues, though an assessment of language and/or cognition may require additional sessions, depending on your need. The predicted number of sessions required for more detailed assessments will be discussed with you at your initial consultation.

If you would like a family member or support person to be present to provide additional information, we welcome their input.

At the end of your initial appointment, we will discuss the types of interventions that may be appropriate for you, so that you can consider how you wish to proceed- we can discuss a range from information and education, to relevant therapy options.

At Be Heard Speech Pathology, our therapists have a long history of working collaboratively with other allied health professionals in multi-disciplinary teams, to achieve best outcomes for the people we support. We have an excellent knowledge of the wider allied health network in Adelaide available to support the people we work with, and regularly engage with occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, dietitians, medical officers and nursing staff in the community setting to ensure our clients’ needs are being addressed.

If we feel that you would benefit from support from another allied health professional, we would consult with you and gain your permission to contact the right person.

We will work with you to determine what kind of therapy best suits your needs, based on your current communication or swallowing issues, the different intervention options available for your condition, and your preferences. We will tailor an intervention package that suits your needs, and provide you with information about the outcomes you can expect from the different therapy approaches.

Yes! We see life as therapy, and will recommend a range of activities and exercises for you to do in your daily life, so that you have the best chance of generalising what you learn in sessions with us into your everyday life. Be prepared to work hard with Be Heard.

We understand that life gets busy and sometimes you need to reschedule appointments. We ask that you give us 24 hours notice, so that we can offer the appointment time to someone else. Cancellations of less than 24 hours notice may incur a cancellation fee.

Please make contact: an up to date fee schedule can be provided

As part of your therapy intervention, you will receive written resources, depending upon your needs and goals. If you require a written report detailing the specifics of your communication and/or swallowing skills, this will require additional time and incur a cost (please ask for further details if required).

Communication is made up of different elements- your speech, language, voice, your thinking (cognitive ability)- and if one or more of these elements are affected, it can be difficult to make yourself understood or to understand information presented to you.

Terms you may hear in relation to communication:

Aphasia/ Dsyphasia: Aphasia is caused by damage to the parts of the brain that control language and can result in difficulty understanding what other people say, losing the meaning of words and difficulty recognising word sounds.
It can also be difficult for the person to express what they want to say or find words and they may get stuck on particular sounds. People with aphasia can also find it hard to interpret body language, read or write.

Dysarthria: is muscle weakness, paralysis or poor coordination of the breathing and speech muscles and can affect a person’s speech volume or cause them to slur their speech.

Apraxia/ Dyspraxia: Dyspraxia means difficulty planning and coordinating the muscle movements needed to form speech sounds and words. It can be hard for someone with dyspraxia to find the correct mouth position needed to make sounds, move smoothly between sounds and words or coordinate the muscle movements needed to chew and swallow.

Dysphonia: Impairment of the voice, or phonation- may be caused by structural damage, over/mis-use of the voice, neurological disorders, brain injury, emotional and lifestyle factors.

Dyslexia: difficulty with the ability to read.




It's time to Be Heard!
